So, after joining Ravelry, I decided that I need to have my own dedicated knitting blog.
Today, I went to the Queer Knitting group the the Q Center. Man, it was awful. Basically, no one really wanted to talk, so we just sat there in close to silence for two hours. I don't think that the guy who ran it liked me very much. I don't know why, I just got the distinct impression that he didn't like me.
So, feeling dejected, I decided to the Queer Knitting group at Twisted, a yarn shop that was recommended to me by Emily, my co-worker. I almost didn't go, but god, am I glad I did. The people there were much more friendly and I felt like I fit in right away. They immediately invited me to dinner afterward, but I had plans to go to dinner with a housemate, next time. I only wish they met more then every other week.
One of the women there, Sarah, looked so familiar, I knew I had seen her somewhere before. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye for a long time before she finally said "Wil, I think we've met before." I expressed that I felt the same, and we proceeded to try and figure out where we had met before. It turns out that we met twice before about three years ago at Queer Knitting at Mabel's. We obviously must have made an impression on each other to remember each other years later, it was pretty wild.
I can't wait to go back to Twisted and hang out with the amazing people that I met there. Sitting and knitting while talking makes it so much more fun then just knitting alone. Yay for!