Monday, August 18, 2008

Sleeves, Hats, Gloved Dreams

I am probably 3" away from being done with the second sleeve of the sweater, but I am waiting for my sister to get back to me with her preferred sleeve length, which is taking a while because she has a baby. So, until then, I pulled out my longer needles and re-threaded them to work on the body. The only sad part is that the sleeves went so fast (I knit the second one in about a day) that the body seems to be going so slow. I just need to get back into it.

I am itching to cast on a new, shorter project, as many of the ones I am working on right now are bigger. I want to knit the boy hat out of the Velvet Grapes Malabrigo that I bought at Twisted last week (how can anyone resist this yarn?). I think the patter is interesting enough to be fun to knit, but simple enough to show off the yarn. It'll be nice.

Also, i have this dream of making fingerless gloves out of the Malabrigo lace weight yarn, which means, with my gauge I'd be knitting on double zeros, which I've never done before, but I think the result would be amazing. So tell me, am I mad?

1 comment:

Bethiferous said...

About the knitting on 00s: Not mad. I think you'll find it's fantastic, and it'll make much better gloves than otherwise (IMHO).